BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor Example 3
This is an example of the Wysiwyg Editor.
- Similar to example 1
- Shows one usage of the paste handling: If you paste something that includes (html) markup, you're asked if you want to paste as plain text or with the markup.
- The editor is not resizable this time.
- No HTML edit mode is possible, only wysiwyg. That's why there are no tabs.
- Some buttons are disabled: insert image, insert special chars, justify (left/center/right).
- The editor is used as form field. If you submit the form, you'll receive the editors value in 'myFormField'.
- Uses a custom button "my" that opens a window, where the user can type in something. The content will then be pasted into the editor. This shows how you can extend the editor with custom user interfaces.
- Using customized css setting in the editor window (smaller and gray font).