
Get It Overview

License overview

public download
free of charge
get source code//
need to apply
support is available
use for:
your site *, ...
client work
distribute; with free and opensource software
distribute; with commercial software

* = Your own website, commercial sites are OK. You have to own at least 20% of the site, project, product or company it is used for. OR you use it for a a non-commercial organization or for a public school.

/ = Not for everything.

The commercial basic license is available as server license (use on one box, for any site/client hosted on that machine) or as company license (use on any box in the same company).

Check the license file for details.

Note: There are 3 ways to get this library.

1) Direct Download

You can download an "obfuscated" version that is fully functional but the code is not that readable. Comments etc have been removed. You are still bound to the BlueShoes license.

2) Apply as Developer (Free Developer License)

  • You get the source code at no charge
  • One of these 2 must apply:
    1. You may use it for your own website, commercial sites are OK. You have to own at least 20% of the site, project, product or company it is used for.
    2. OR you use it for a a non-commercial organization or for a public school.
  • Don't include and distribute BlueShoes in a product.
We recommend that you Apply as Developer

3) Buy a Commercial License

  • You get the source code for a price
  • You get these rights once all fees are paid.
  • Use it for your needs, modify it, do whatever you please
  • Don't use blueshoes in a product. (if you want to, contact us.)
  • Don't give away blueshoes. You get a license for yourself only.
Buy a commercial license

Which license is for me?

I want to use blueshoes ...
... for my private website. Developer
... for my own business. Developer
... for a non-commercial organization. Developer
... for the site of the company i work for. Commercial basic
... for the sites of clients. Commercial basic
... in a commercial product i distribute. Commercial distribution
... in a free and open source product i distribute. developer (distribution) license if available for what you use, otherwise you need a commercial distribution license.


Bs_Form Package
Comprehensive object-oriented form building and handling, with lots of specialized form fields and input components, and tons of features. more ...

Let us know

Have you done something interesting with BlueShoes or one of its components?