
Adds a maxlength to your textarea field.
I bet you've seen it: a textarea field with the message "max 255 characters" next to it.
But when do i have to stop typing? Me, I open MS Word and use the "count characters" feature.
Very annoying.
- Define the maximal number of characters.
- Progress bar. See example 1.
- "Background color warning": as option, the background can transform into red when running out of space. See example 2.
- Customize the look using css classes and/or style strings.
- API functions: setValue(), getValue(), setMaxLength(), getMaxLength(), getCurrentLength()
- Backward and non-js compatible. A field is a field, even if the fancy javascript is not supported.
This component ships with the full "BlueShoes Framework" package, the "BlueShoes JavaScript" package and the
"BlueShoes JavaScript LimitedTextarea" package.
See the download page.
Available with
- BlueShoes "developer extended" license
- BlueShoes commercial licenses
Check the license overview page for details.