BlueShoes File Browser Example
As you can see in the code, only images (and directories) are shown.
Source Code
* @package applications_filebrowser
* @subpackage examples
die('This example is disabled by default for security reasons. File: ' . __FILE__ . ' Line: ' . __LINE__);
//include the global conf file:
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../global.conf.php');
//here check some session (login) if you want to.
//configure the file browser:
$settings = array(
'basePath' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], //where to start browsing. the user cannot break out of here.
'viewStyle' => 'detail', //'detail' or 'thumbnail'. user can change this with a button in the bar top right.
'fileExtensionsFilter' => array('jpg'=>TRUE, 'jpeg'=>TRUE, 'gif'=>TRUE, 'png'=>TRUE), //restrict file types
'ignoreDirs' => array('CVS'=>TRUE), //hide directories
'imageDimensions' => array( //only allow images of the dimensions specified
array('width'=>320, 'height'=>70), //either 320x70 pixel
array('minWidth'=>420, 'maxWidth'=>450, 'minHeight'=>70, 'maxHeight'=>80), //or somewhere from 420x70 to 450x80 pixel
'doWithUnwantedFiles' => 'disabled', //what to do with unwanted files, default is 'hidden', can also be 'disabled'. that shows them grayed out.
//now include the application file:
include $APP['path']['applications'] . 'filebrowser/';