
Get It Download

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BlueShoes Framework

BlueShoes professional, stripped *. Includes the Framework, Applications, Plugins and JavaScripts. Also includes the Documentation (Manuals, HOWTO'S, Articles and API-Doc.)4.52007-11-06tgz zip
BlueShoes professional beta; fixed an annoying php warning that shows up in some newer php versions, misc changes (see the changelog).4.6beta1970-01-01
BlueShoes FileManager Application only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
BlueShoes FileManager beta; fixed a bug with copying/renaming files.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip

BlueShoes JavaScript GUI Components

Note: All these packages are included in the "BlueShoes professional" package listed above.
Full JavaScript Package only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
Full JavaScript Package only as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS Checkbox only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Checkbox only as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS Color Picker only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Date Picker only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Date Picker only as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS Dropdown only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Editor only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS FlipFlop only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Limited Textarea only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Number Field only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Radio only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Radio only as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS Resize Grip only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Slider only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Slider beta; vertical slider, onMouseWheel event.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS SpreadSheet only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS TabSet only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Toolbar only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Tree only as shown here, stripped *.4.52007-11-06tgz zip
JS Tree only as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS Scrollable Div as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS DataGrid Div as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS ExtendedTextField as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS ListRegister as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip
JS MultiLevelSelector as shown here, stripped *.4.6beta2007-11-06tgz zip

BlueShoes Documentation

Note: The PDF manuals, HOWTO's and Articles linked here are included in the "BlueShoes professional" package listed above (as Word Doc).
API-Doc for the BlueShoes Framework.4.52007-11-06zip
API-Doc for the BlueShoes JavaScript Classes and Components.4.52007-11-06zip

* The non-obfuscated (clean, documented) BlueShoes professional / enterprise is made available to you after registration as developer (free) or after purchase.

Even if you use the stripped versions you are bound to the BlueShoes license. This download is meant as "try-before-you-register" (open-source) or "try-before-you-buy" (commercial).

Beta releases as well as cvs access are available to registered developers and customers.

Note: you don't need the files listed below to get BlueShoes running. But some may be useful or needed for parts.


JpGraph is a great OO class library written in PHP.
Website: http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/
Author: Johan Persson
License: QPL 1.0 (free for non-commercial), JpGraph Professional License (for commercial or proprietary)

PHP to Excel aka BiffWriter

is a generic class to create Excel compatible streams or files from PHP. It enables web developers with the feature to deploy information "off-line" using the most common spread sheet format.
Website: http://www.cnovak.com/
Author: Christian Novak
License: Version 2.1 was free for non-commercial use, but not otherwise. Check the website for accurate information.
Backup:Version 2.1 is mirrored on our server, and is known to work. Download


A php db library that supports >20 rdbms. We prefer the db abstraction layer classes from blueshoes because of its features, but if you use a database that's not supported, here you go.
Website: http://php.weblogs.com/ADODB.
Author: John Lim
License: BSD-Style and LGPL (use it in proprietary and commercial products)