The slidebar is written in pure dhtml/javascript and works without installation
of any plugins, java etc.
- Use premade skins or your own images/colors, specify size etc
- Set min-value, max-value, default-value, step-value (if you go 1 - 2 - 3 or 1 - 1.5 - 2 ... whatever)
User can change the value in 6 ways:
- slide
- click arrow left/right
- click somewhere into the slider
- enter a value into the field
- use an api function to set a value
- use your mouse wheel (internet explorer only)
- Attach onChanges event etc
- Can be directly used as form field. See the Bs_Form package.
- Horizontal and vertical slider (vertical since bs-4.6)
- Slider with two knobs (since 2005-02-21)
- ... many api functions
It's a great thing to have the user input a special kind of data. It's often used in software, but
rarely on the internet because web browsers don't come with such a control.
If a browser does not support it or has javascript turned off, it can be hacked so they can still
enter some data (but not as nicely).
Mac: Safari and Camino work fine.
Internet Explorer (5.2.3) works but does not submit the value along with a form. If you
need that feature, make a (hidden) form field and attach an onchange event to the slider,
just like in example 1.
It's a problem from Explorer, not from the javascript code, and the development of Internet Explorer on Mac
has been abandoned.
Not all doctypes work. This one does:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
For example don't use "XHTML 1.0".
If this is a problem with your current setup, you can stick the slider into an iframe.